The Origins of D&D Den
Hi everyone! Jenny here.
I'm one of the founders of D&D den! I’ve been a huge fan of all things high fantasy and DnD since I was introduced to it around 9 years ago by a highschool friend of mine. We spent years playing, switching off who DM’ed our campaigns, and trying to show each other up with awesome dice sets and rolling trays.
The problem with this, no matter how fun, is that dice and accessories start to get pretty expensive. I have a huge affinity for gemstone dice, and every online store I went on was either ridiculously expensive or had such a small selection that I couldn’t justify spending so much on one set! Even worse, going to PAX or similar conventions that offered bigger selections were headspinningly pricey. I was going crazy.
Around 9 years after finding my love for DnD, I finally decided that enough was enough. I talked with my friend and fellow DnD player Chris, and we started throwing around ideas for an online DnD store that could deliver great products that had variety without completely steamrolling the bank accounts of people just trying to flex dice sets on their friends or find the perfect accessories to compliment a new character!
After a ridiculous amount of time spent messing with website designs, finding reliable and awesome artists who love DnD just like we do, and making sure we can sell our products at great prices, we finally launched the DnD Den you see here today! Though we still have lots of goals and ideas for the site in regards to product range, usability etc, we’re super proud to see where we have come in the few short years we’ve been working to create the site you see here today!
So look around, we love hearing feedback, seeing photos of your dnd setups, DM screens, and everything in between!
Feel free to follow our instagram @thedndden and message us anything dnd related! We love to do shoutouts and interact with other DnD lovers out there so come on over!